Wednesday, 18 May 2016


It is noticeable that David Cameron's much vaunted 'renegotiation' of the UK's terms of membership to the European Union has hardly been mentioned for several weeks. Clearly, the 'Remain' campaigners see no benefit to be gained from continuing to claim that Cameron achieved anything of significance as he patently didn't. It is, perhaps, a little surprising is that those who support the 'Leave' campaign have also said very little about this 'Munich' moment of Cameron, though that may be due to a misguided desire to leave any possible reference to Hitler out of the equation.

What is very obvious is that the 'Remainers' actually have nothing positive to say about the Union but are relying on a torrent of scare stories to encourage voters to accept the status quo. So far, we've been told that leaving the Union 'could' cause economic chaos with huge loss of trade, a collapsing currency, increased interest rates and everyone much worse off, 'could' lead to massive reduction in our safety and security, could lead to problems with our power supplies, 'could' result in terrible difficulties for travellers and Britons who have chosen to live in various European countries, 'could' make cooperation in scientific research much more difficult, 'might' make it difficult for students to gain places at European colleges and universities, 'might' lead to the Scots demanding another independence referendum, and a raft of other things including that it 'could' even cause World War three.

That this is all utter rubbish goes without saying. Of course, there are risks associated with leaving the Union, but there are greater risks if we remain inside this moribund organisation. Inevitably, remaining within the EU will lead to the dreaded 'ever closer union' whether we like it or not. Eventually, we will be forced to accept fully open borders and, quite probably, the Euro. The assorted European institutions will become evermore powerful and our own parliamentary arrangements largely irrelevant; there will be a European foreign policy and defence policy, to both of which we will have to subscribe, and our armed forces will come under the leadership of a pan-European military head. While expanding its borders eastward, the Union will, in reality, become more inward looking and protectionist, its institutions less and less accountable. These are not 'might be's or 'coulds', these are inevitabilities and are the real risks to be considered by voters.

Yesterday, Michael Heseltine, an ardent Europhile,  made an appalling personal attack on Boris Johnson, saying that he has acted irresponsibly and recklessly, and that he has made "preposterous, obscene political remarks" during the referendum campaign. If this is the level to which the 'Remain' side have now sunk, one has to wonder how much of a case they really have. Heseltine, while telling us all that we must stay in the EU seems to have little if anything positive to say about it; in truth, there is nothing positive to say about it. Staying in the EU is the coward's choice; voting to 'Remain' is a vote for a status quo which seems comforting but which will lead to this country having less and less ability to manage its own affairs and more and more subservience to largely unelected, unaccountable, faceless and corrupt bureaucrats somewhere on the European continent.


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