Oh, My God ! Now I must rethink everything and vote to 'Remain'. Why ?
Because Jude Law, Keira Knightly, Benedict Cumberbatch and a mish-mash of other 'stars' have said that leaving the EU would damage the creative industries. They claim that "vital EU funding" has been key to an assortment of projects and clearly they're worried about their future careers.
Pardon me, but what do this bunch of egotistical, self-aggrandising, overpaid and grotesquely over-hyped 'stars' know about the European Union ? How dare they witter on about the supposed damage that leaving the organisation would do to their precious industry. These people are among the least talented yet most privileged in our society; few of them ever really act, the musicians amongst them make more noise than music and the so-called artists wouldn't know a genuine piece of art if it bit them on their collective arses.
All this lot want is protection for their own flamboyant lifestyles. They should be told to bugger off and find some proper work.
All the Luvvies are useless, ignorant, over-paid, under-talented arseholes.