Boris Johnson is undoubtedly correct when he says that the aim of the Brussels bureaucrats is the creation of a European super-state, though bringing Adolf Hitler into the argument may not have been the best thing to do.
The EU always has been intended as the forerunner of a United States of Europe, a misconceived and potentially disastrous venture. While David Cameron claims that the UK voting to leave could be a precursor to war, in reality it is the EU itself which is more likely to lead to such an outcome. Twenty eight nations, few of which have any loyalties to each other shoe-horned into a 'one-size fits all' political union simply won't work. The inequalities between the rich and poor nations, the cultural differences between north and south, east and west, the political and economic domination by Germany and, in due course, the demands of an increasingly militant Turkey, will inevitably create massive tensions which will rip Europe apart.
Europhiles seem unable to comprehend that trying to coerce nation states into forming a new super-state simply doesn't work. In the case of the United States of America, it was created as a consequence of the exploration and development of a largely unknown continent; areas were colonised and each made the choice to join the Union in its own time. Europe already has long standing nation states and there is no similarity with the USA. The collapse of the Soviet Union demonstrates only too well how existing nations cannot be forced together for any length of time; in that case, once the political and military might of Russia was removed, the whole edifice fell apart.
Voters in the United Kingdom have been given the chance to make a real difference. If we vote to remain in the Union, we risk increasing loss of sovereignty, stagnation and years of political turmoil; eventually, there will be a monumental breakdown and, quite possibly, war.
If we vote to leave, all of this will be avoided. We will be free to make our own decisions and trade deals, and to determine our own laws. Even more importantly, a UK exit may well trigger a fundamental rethink at the heart of the EU which might just prevent this failed project from ending up in armed conflict. VOTE LEAVE.
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