Thursday, 26 May 2016


The Government's own immigration figures, published today by the Office for National Statistics, show a massive net immigration to this country of 333,000 in 2015; terrifyingly, this is only the second highest figure on record.

The figures show that the Government has fallen woefully short of its promise to reduce net migration to below 100,000, a promise it made years ago and has never been anywhere near meeting. It has even failed miserably to reduce non-EU immigration, 149,000 of the total being from non-EU countries. Immigration at such levels is a recipe for disaster and yet successive Governments have done absolutely nothing to curb and actually have no ability to affect the flow from the European Union at all.

The ONS has also forecast that the UK population will increase by 4.2 million over the next 8 years and that the population of London will rise to 10 million. Both of these figures indicate a frightening scenario for our country, with housing, transport and all public services being placed under huge pressure, while native Britons may well find themselves priced out of jobs.

Some people claim that immigration is a good thing for our economy and it is true that some immigration probably is. However, annual immigration of hundreds of thousands a year for decades is not. While small numbers of immigrants can be assimilated fairly easily, large numbers of people who have wholly different languages, religions and cultures cannot be; instead, they tend to colonise areas which become far more similar to their former homes than to anything that a native of Britain would recognise as being part of this country. Many of these migrants have no loyalty to the UK nor any desire to integrate into our pre-existing society, creating their own separate identities; in due course, they will start applying their own laws and customs, something which is already happening in some predominantly Islamic areas.

There is no doubt that the UK Government should stop being so lily-livered and do much more with regard to non-EU immigration but, while we remain a member of the EU, it can do absolutely nothing to affect the migration from other member countries. In order to really have any control over our borders and to prevent the catastrophic increase in our population forecast by the ONS, we must get out.


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