In the period immediately around the UK's entry into what was then the European Economic Community, or EEC, my father was a firm opponent of his country getting involved with this organisation. In the lead up to the referendum in 1975. he was clear in his view that we should vote to leave, as was I.
Years later, I was astonished to discover that while I had stuck to my guns and voted to leave, my father had, in fact, voted to stay in. When I asked him why he had made this u-turn, he told me that he had felt that, despite his own concerns, he had to accept the word of those who were seemingly more knowledgeable than he. He said that as most of the leading political figures of the day, and many other public figures, maintained that the UK would be far better off inside than outside of the Community, he had to accept their advice and vote to stay in.
As is happening today, back in 1975 we were given all sorts of stories about the effects of leaving the European Community. Some of these were the usual misleading and selective remarks that are routinely put out by Governments, their apparatchiks, dependants and allies, and some were outright lies. Famously, many years later, the then Prime Minister even admitted that the intention of the EEC was ultimately to create a political union within Europe, something which was never stated, and was even denied, at the time.
In 1975, my father did what he thought was right, but he spent the rest of his life increasingly regretting his decision. He came to realise that he had been coerced and fooled into voting to stay in by people who had few scruples and were more than willing to say whatever they felt would get the population to vote their way. If he was around today, he'd undoubtedly be far more cynical about the efforts of the 'Remain' campaign and would certainly vote to come out.
For those who have yet to make up their minds, this is a salutary story. Don't be fooled and taken in by the scare stories flooding out from the Government and all their pals. VOTE LEAVE.
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