Yawn !
Thank heaven the referendum is not far away now. Yesterday, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, teamed up with one of his Labour predecessors, Alistair Darling, to tell us more horror stories about what might happen in the event of the British people voting to leave the European Union. As usual from the 'Remain' campaign, it's a long list of frighteners.
According to these 2 economic giants, a 'Brexit' vote would mean an emergency Budget with the most terrible effects on us all. We'd have massive tax rises, huge cuts in public services, particularly the highly sensitive NHS, but also education and the police, and all be much worse off as our economy crumbles. These pseudo-predictions are, of course, based on the same negative assumptions as the forecasts issued by other Government directed bodies, pro-EU politicians and establishment organisations, and are every bit as debateable.
Former Chancellors of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson and Norman Lamont, plus former Conservative Party leaders Ian Duncan Smith and Michael Howard, have all condemned this invented picture of the future saying that it displayed "startling dishonesty" and was "born of desperation". Quite clearly, it is designed to frighten voters into doing what they're being told by those who have a vested interest in keeping the status quo, from which they benefit massively.
George Osborne and David Cameron have nailed their colours to the mast and know that their political futures are in the balance. Cameron has already said that he will not lead his party into another General Election, so his political future is already limited unless, of course, he expects to follow Tony Blair's example and become some sort of international political guru, paid insane amounts of money by organisations such as the European Union for doing very little. A vote for 'Brexit' would certainly upset this particular apple cart.
In Osborne's case, 12 months ago he had solid expectations of becoming the next leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister; today, this ambition has been blown apart and his only chance of any sort of future position in British politics is for there to be a vote to stay in the EU. Even then, he has so damaged his reputation within his party that there will be huge opposition to him and it could well be that, whichever way the vote goes, his position will, very quickly,prove to be untenable. Osborne's career in politics is surely over.
Amidst the lies and hypocrisy, one question remains supreme. Do we want to govern ourselves and make our own decisions, laws and rules, or do we want to let a load of faceless and largely anonymous people from across Europe do it for us ?
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