Today, the hierarchy of the Labour Party has come out in force and told its supporters that all hell will break loose if they don't vote to stay in the European Union. Apparently, a vote to leave the organisation will lead to workers being horribly mistreated as their 'rights' will all disappear, their jobs will be at risk, their wages will be cut and so on. Additionally, the NHS will find itself deprived of at least £10 billion and, quite probably, the sky will fall in. Evidence for all of this was, however, sadly lacking.
Following these pronouncements, Tom Watson, the Party's deputy leader, said that EU immigration rules would have to be reconsidered to make the case for revising the current free movement for workers. Why he thinks that the EU would do such a thing is a real conundrum; given that the ultimate aim of the EU is to create a 'United States of Europe', freedom of movement for all of its citizens is an immutable cornerstone of the project and there can be virtually no chance of it being changed in any meaningful way. This was clearly a sop to Labour 'Brexiteers', designed to try to convince them that the Party understood their concerns and would make changes when it next gains power, which may anyway be a long time in the future. With any luck, the targets of this con-trick will see right through it and ignore it.
As previously, these proponents of the 'Remain' campaign have nothing positive to say about the EU and tell us nothing of any potential future benefits of membership. All they do is tell us the same tired and manufactured stories about the frightening things that might happen should we actually dare to take our future in our own hands, and ignore those who are forever telling us that they 'know best'.
Take no notice of the scare stories. We are not children who are frightened of the dark, we are intelligent adults with minds of our own; we do not frighten as easily as some would like. Ignore them and VOTE LEAVE.
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