Thursday, 2 June 2016


It's beginning to look as though the 'Remain' campaigners are getting a little concerned and there's an increasing note of panic in their utterances.

This morning, on the 'Today' programme on Radio 4 there was a planned debate between former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, and renowned free market economist, Patrick Minford. To call this a debate is, perhaps, a little excessive as Darling rattled on and on and on, spouting every ounce of negativity that he could muster, and poor Minford was left with very little time to respond; Nick Robinson, who attempted to manage the discussion, was simply drowned out by Darling's determination to dominate proceedings and reluctance to allow his opponent to be heard.

In truth, all that Darling did was to show frustration, a degree of panic and an utter lack of confidence in the British economy and British workers. He repeated the now familiar mantra that the UK would have a torrid time if it dared to leave the European Union, and largely ignored the few contrary thoughts which Minford was able to voice. What Minford did manage to say made significantly more sense and showed far greater confidence in Britain and the British worker, as well as being far more forward looking, than anything that issued forth from Gordon Brown's former man at the Treasury.

Darling wants the UK to stay within the EU because it's seen as being safe; Minford wants us to leave because that is where the real opportunities are, in the rest of the world. With opportunity may come some risks but there are also risks of not taking opportunities when they arise. Do we want the UK to be an inward-looking nation, falling behind the rest of the world along with the other members of the EU, or do we want it to embrace the whole world, seizing opportunities to forge alliances wherever we please, unencumbered by EU in-fighting, sloth, bureaucracy, red tape, fraud and corruption ?

I know which I prefer. VOTE LEAVE.

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