Friday, 10 June 2016


As the EU Referendum campaign rumbles on, it is increasingly dominated by vitriolic personal attacks and scaremongering of every sort.

Last night, on independent television, a host of 'Remainers', launched personal attacks on Boris Johnson rather than really say much of substance about why we should vote to stay in the Union. Today, a bunch of senior Labour party figures is telling us that a vote to leave will lead to an emergency budget, tax rises, spending cuts, job losses and, quite probably, famine, floods, plagues of locusts and anything else they can conjure up. What a farce !

Meanwhile, another Labour figure, John Mann, and MP who made the news recently for berating Ken Livingstone very much in public, has said theta we should, indeed, vote to leave, and that a "peoples' revolution is under way". If only that were true as it is surely time that voters gave the 2-fingered salute to all of the doom-mongers, liars and self serving elitists who want everything to stay just as it is, with themselves on the top of the pile and the rest of us firmly under control.

It also occurs to me that it's only a few days ago that David Cameron said that "of course" the UK would survive and do well outside of the EU, adding, however, that he thought it would do better inside. Putting the latter sentiment aside for a moment, if his initial remark is true and if his previously expressed position of being fully prepared to campaign to take the UK out of the Union in the absence of an acceptable 'renegotiation' was also a true one, then how can it now be claimed that leaving would be as utterly catastrophic as some are now saying ?

If leaving the EU would lead to national disaster, clearly the Prime Minister should never have indicate that leading the country out of it was an option. If the country can survive quite well out of the EU, why are so many on the 'Remain' side continuing to say that leaving would be so dreadful ? Quite clearly, we have a mixture of lies, contradiction and hypocrisy emanating from the 'Remain' campaign and that, alone, should be enough to convince voters.


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