Dual standards and illogicality seem to be the name of the game when it comes to family life.
On the one hand, 'experts', government officials and assorted busybodies tell us that many children need support because they come from dysfunctional family backgrounds. We are told that without this support, which apparently the parents are unable to supply, the children will be disadvantaged and experience poor life outcomes or, worse, descend into criminality. We can see the evidence of the veracity of this view in our schools and on our streets every day.
On the other hand we hear today that the government plans to make divorce easier, actually meaning that marriage will become no more significant than a pair of throwaway flip-flops. The very glue which acts to provide stability in the lives of many, probably most, children will become as dispensable as a cotton bud.
We already have the utter nonsense of marriage between 2 men or 2 women and we have 'families' in which children have 2 fathers or 2 mothers; we have children brought into existence by the intervention of assorted scientists which simply could not exist otherwise. We have a culture in which more and more is considered disposable, from clothing to relationships, and now marriage is to join the rancid pile of detritus.
What chance do our children have ? Brought up in environments - single parent, homosexual, lesbian, transgender and without discipline - which are hardly conducive to engendering a balanced or even sane view of the world, and in which "buy it, wear it, chuck it" is the mantra, they will now be encouraged to look on 'normal' marriage in the same way. Can the idiots who propose such changes to established practice not see the illogicality and perversity of this ?
The problem is that those in power are driven not by any sense of morality, decency or honesty, but only be a desire to pander to so-called 'progressive' pressure groups and interests. They see these as being the source of power and continued dominance which, barring a revolution, they are. In the same way that those in parliament have ignored the Will of the people over Brexit and, instead, gradually forced us down a path chosen by the liberal elite, so they are now planning to hammer yet another nail into the coffin of family life.
The one hope is that, as with all social and cultural mood swings, the day will dawn when the pendulum begins to move back to the centre and, eventually, across to the other side. Gone will be the liberality of today, replaced by a sterner, harsher and more disciplinarian society which the government of that day will be able to control in minute degree due to our current stupidity in allowing the development of all encompassing photographic and computer surveillance.
Tomorrow's World will be very different but will it actually be better or just another concoction created by the elite and controlled by them too ?
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