Saturday, 6 April 2019


If anyone doubts where the BBC's political emphasis lies, they need only listen to, and read, one of today's news stories.

A few days ago, the legal minimum wage went up by almost 5%, with the BBC doing little more than mentioning it. Today, being the start of the new financial year, other changes to employment finances have been made, including increases in the personal allowance for tax purposes and increases in the pension contributions to be made by both employees and employers. Guess which of these the BBC headlined.

While the increase in the minimum wage and increases in personal allowance are hugely beneficial to employees, the good old lefties of the Beeb have highlighted increases in pension contributions which, of course, reduce take home pay; that they also help to ensure a financially secure old age has been completely ignored. In fact, the text headline simply says " Ten million face higher pension payments", and the associated detail is almost entirely about what employees are 'losing', rather than there being any indication of the ultimate benefit.

This is a typical left wing stance, the type of position adopted by trades' unions when attempting to set out the 'shocking plight' of their members. Clearly the BBC is not an impartial reporter of such matters, as it is meant to be, but is reporting in a politicised manner. It is no longer fit for purpose nor fit to be funded by the tax which is laughably called a 'licence fee', In direct contrast, Sky News emphasises the increases in minimum wage and tax allowances, before talking about the increase in pension contributions while also mentioning the eventual benefit from those increased payments.

Given that its general output, barring a very few decent programmes, has been 'dumbed down' to the same trashy level as the plethora of commercial channels that clog our airwaves with drivel, repeats and repeats of drivel, what possible justification can there be for keeping the BBC going ?

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