Thursday, 11 April 2019


How on earth is Theresa May still Prime Minister ? How can anyone have any confidence in her ?

Yet again, she's travelled to Brussels and prostrated herself before the great leaders of the European Union including, of course, the leaders of those mighty international powers Luxembourg, Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia etc. She went begging for a further extension to the UK's deadline for leaving their august organisation and came away with a botch - an extension to 31st October unless she gets an agreement in Parliament before then. What happens if there is still no agreement by the new deadline, God knows.

For a once great nation, the UK is being humiliated almost daily. Rather than leading her government and country, Theresa May has been led by the nose by members of her cabinet who are vehemently opposed to Brexit and has found herself a supplicant at the high table of European machinations. From the very outset of her premiership, she has been weak and vacillating while claiming to be "strong and stable". By calling an election when she didn't need to, she weakened her government's position dramatically; by failing to enact Article 50 for some 9 months after the referendum, she began the process of procrastination designed to weaken the resolve of Brexiteers. By failing to negotiate effectively with the EU she ended up accepting a withdrawal agreement that is fundamentally flawed. By failing to be the "strong and stable" leader which she claimed to be, she allowed her government to fracture in all directions to a point at which she now has no control over any of its members. By allowing the fracturing of her government she tacitly allowed the fracturing of her party and handed control of Brexit over to the strongly anti-Brexit House of Commons. Finally, and worst of all, these assorted failings led to her failure to achieve the government's primary objective of leaving the European Union on 29th March 2019.

March 29th became 12th April, then 22nd May and now it is 31st October. The referendum was held on 23rd June 2016 and the people voted to leave the EU; nearly 3½ years later we are highly likely to still be in this damnable institution or, at least, so closely tied to it as to make no difference. Mrs May has shown herself utterly incapable of leading this country or the process of Brexit; surely she must see that and now resign, or is she really so thick skinned and obstinate that she believes she alone follows the path of righteousness ? 

She has deserted her party and the 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU and has, instead, entered into discussions with the ultra left wing Labour Party, itself led by Marxist / Leninist lunatics who are still fighting the battles of the 1920s and 1930s. Corbyn, McDonnell and the rest have only one aim and that is to gain power. They care not a jot about the European Union, only about their own ambitions and they will do anything to achieve them. In attempting to have serious negotiations with Corbyn et al, Mrs May and her mismatched band of goons are on a fool's errand; Corbyn's only interest is to destabilise and frustrate in the hope of bringing about a general election which he hopes he might win. 

What those in Brussels and throughout Europe really think about all this can only be imagined. Whether they hope that Brexit will eventually be cancelled or just want the whole bloody thing over and done with as soon as possible, surely they all must wonder how a once mighty nation that ruled a third of the world has sunk so low as to be begging for time to allow its parliamentarians to make a decision, a decision that has already been made and communicated quite adequately by its people.

I've never thought it before but, today, I'm ashamed and embarrassed to be British.

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