Friday, 19 April 2019


What a shame that the water cannon purchased by Boris Johnson when he was Mayor of London have been sold.

Whatever the reasons, thousands of people blocking the streets of our capital city, disrupting train services and vandalising buildings is unacceptable. Forget the nonsense about the protesters being non-violent, they are causing criminal obstruction and need to be removed by any means available. Forget also the ridiculous modern notions that force the police to treat these nuisances with kid gloves for fear of injuring them.

The answer to this type of civil unrest is water cannon and that's what should be deployed. Sadly, our liberal, left-leaning political elite are far too namby-pamby to take such action. More fool them, and more disruption for the law abiding members of our society who simply want to go about their lawful daily business..

There will be a backlash and the pendulum will swing back. Our leaders have become far too tolerant of genuine anti-social behaviour and far too enthusiastic about monitoring and controlling relatively minor aspects of our lives. If I drop a piece of litter in the street, I risk being fined, but I can obstruct a major London highway with little fear of any penalty being imposed. This needs to change and some semblance of common sense needs to be reintroduced.

We need a strong, right wing government dedicated to disposing of petty rules and regulations and upholding laws that really matter. It will come, the only question is "WHEN ?"

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