Sunday, 7 April 2019


Watching an episode of 'Gardeners' World' always brings back memories of those great presenters of the past, but also of those whom I couldn't stand.

For me, Percy Thrower was the doyen of gardeners everywhere and was the one against whom all others must be measured. Arthur Billitt, who took over from Percy in 1976, after Percy had upset his masters at the BBC by taking part in what was seen as inappropriate promotion of gardening products, was another who inspired confidence but Percy's undoubted natural successor was the wonderful Geoff Hamilton. Hamilton had such a warm and easy-going approach that he made gardening seem like the perfect answer to a stressful life and he, like Thrower, was an inspiration. His sudden death in 1996 at the age of only 59 was both a tragedy and a great shock.

After Hamilton came a variety of presenters who simply didn't hit the mark. Peter Seabrook had been around during Hamilton's time but really left me cold, while the truly oily Alan Titchmarsh made, and still makes, my flesh crawl. Others who've popped in and out over the years, such as Carol Klein, Pippa Greenwood and Bob Flowerdew have had the enthusiasm and personality to demand attention but the man who now stands at least on a par with those greats, Thrower and Hamilton, is Monty Don.

In 2 spells presenting the programme, first from 2003 to 2008 and then from 2011 until now, Don has become the true face and voice of gardening. Despite well publicised health problems over the years, he presents with such a genuine joie de vivre that it's impossible not to be captivated. He makes gardening look simple and must encourage many to leap out of their chairs and get stuck in; after all, the results of a few hours of digging, planting and hoeing can be so rewarding, as he demonstrates quite wonderfully. Accompanied by Nigel, and now Nell too, his golden retrievers, he talks to his audience simply, without condescension and with huge knowledge and authority. 

While much, indeed most, of the BBC's modern output is not even fit for the bargain basement, 'Gardeners' World' and Monty Don are at the very pinnacle of broadcasting. Long may they continue to be so.

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