The last few days have revealed just how hypocritical it is possible for our democratically elected representatives to be.
In 2016, Members of Parliament agreed to accept and act upon whatever result came out of the referendum on the vexed matter of the UK's membership of the European Union. Of course, they also expected that, with the full weight and power of the establishment behind it, the campaign to remain members would win comfortably. When it didn't they were thrown into turmoil.
Even so, in March 2017, Parliament approved the enactment of 'Article 50', which set in motion the process for leaving. Ever since, voices have been raised against a 'hard Brexit', a Tory Brexit' or, indeed, any Brexit, blatantly ignoring everything that Parliament had previously approved. Now, Vince Cable has stated unequivocally that the principal policy of the Liberal Democrats is to prevent the UK from ever leaving the European Union, the Green Party and Scottish Nationalists are equally in favour of continued membership at all cost, and the ludicrous assemblage of misfits who comprise 'Change UK' have also made it clear that they want to prevent Brexit.
All of these pro-EU voices had their chance to make their case back in 2016. The fact is that they lost but, like spoiled children, they refuse to accept being told that they can't have things their way. They have gradually moved from grudging acceptance of the referendum result, via suggestions of further referendums and 'soft Brexits', to outright campaigning to reverse the result of the only referendum that matters, that of 2016. They have proved themselves to be anti-democratic, arrogant and dictatorial.
These people, the likes of Vince Cable and Chukka Umunna, Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry, Caroline Lucas, Nicola Sturgeon and the rest, have no right to claim that they represent any views but their own. Add to them others who have remained within the Conservative and Labour parties but disloyal to their millions of voters who expressed a clear desire to leave the EU - Hilary Benn, Dominic Grieve, Keir Starmer, Amber Rudd et al - and it is obvious that none of them, or their adherents, deserve our votes.
That is why I shall be spoiling my voting paper next Thursday rather than voting for any of the party hacks on offer, and I'll be voting for the only acceptable candidate, that of the Brexit Party, on 23rd May when we all go to the polls again for the European Parliamentary elections.