Friday, 14 December 2018


Teresa May's latest pleas to the leaders of the European Union appear to have fallen on stony ground. Indeed, the likes of the high and mighty Jean Claude Juncker have simply refused to come down from their ivory tower, or is it climb out of their concrete bunker ?

While May toils away in Brussel in what seems a fruitless attempt to gain any meaningful concessions from the most pig headed bunch of bureaucrats to exist since Europe's leaders sent millions of men to their deaths in the trenches of World War One, arch egotist and Europhile Tony Blair has been hitting the airwaves.

Not a man to fail to promote his own image and importance at any and every opportunity, Blair has surfaced this morning to reiterate his calls for a second referendum although, in typical Blair fashion, he doesn't call it a referendum; he uses every word or phrase other than referendum. Unlike most, if not all past Prime Ministers, Blair refuses to fade into the background but instead has spent the last decade or so trotting around the world as some sort of Messiah, offering to resolve problems and deliver words of wisdom. Heaven alone knows what he was paid to sort out the difficulties of the Middle East when he was the representative for the so-called Quartet in that area, but his total lack of achievements speak for themselves. Blair is a man long on words and his own brand of wisdom but very short on achievement. Anyone who wants proof need only look at the end product of his tenure as Prime Minister, which was never ending conflict and near bankruptcy.

As an arch-Europhile, Blair held hopes of becoming the first President of a United States of Europe, a hope that was dashed by the UK's unexpected vote to leave the EU. Having had his ambition so bitterly interrupted, Blair turned his attention to trying to convince people of the error of their ways and has enthusiastically championed the cause of Remain ever since. By hook or by crook, Blair will somehow get that top European job, or so he still hopes.

How anyone can take this man seriously is a mystery. A rich, now super-rich, supposed socialist from a privileged background, Blair led a government that was so profligate that, when a crisis occurred, there was nothing left in the coffers with which to fight it; the result was the printing of vast quantities of paper money which had no assets to support it, and a consequent depression of economic growth for year after year. Even now, we are suffering from the effects of Blair's years in office. Additionally, Blair, who now talks about the lies and untruths told by Brexiteers, lied through his teeth about the situation in Iraq and misled Parliament and the nation over his determination to go to war with that country in support of his pal, another arch-egotist, George W Bush.
Blair is a man who puts his own interests and what he sees as his place in history far above any other considerations, That he is so ardent when it comes to the UK remaining in the European Union should serve as a warning to all of us. If Blair wants us in, the best place to be has to be OUT.

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