Having given Chuka Umunna the opportunity to make his pitch for the UK remaining in the EU, an aim to be achieved by any available means on this morning's 'Andrew Marr Show, another arch-Europhile was allowed to vent his spleen on Radio 4's 'The World This Weekend'. Interviewed by Mark Mardell, Chris Patten launched into those who want to see Brexit achieved, referring to them as 'Maoists' and 'fanatics'
Patten has always been on the left of the Conservative Party, one who would have been termed 'a Wet' in bygone days. He's also spent considerable time with his snout in the EU's trough and is an ardent Europhile, but his angry rant on today's news programme was extraordinary. He seemed quite oblivious to the fact that he was demonstrating a degree of fanaticism far in advance of anything shown by even the most strident of those whom he opposes.
As a new entry to the list of ways to prevent Brexit from even happening, Patten's latest proposal is for Prime Minister May to call on her predecessors for advice. Presumably, the Europhile leanings of David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and John Major would be expected to turn May to the right path, that is, to find a way of keeping the UK in the EU. One wonders whether Patten would have made the same suggestion if Margaret Thatcher had still been with us.
Verbally abusing those to whom you object is never a very good strategy and it's usually a sign of desperation. Added to Patten's pretty insane idea of bringing past Prime Ministers, people with no official position, into the centre of the debate, desperation seems to be the name of the game.
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