Sunday, 25 February 2018


It seems that Jeremy Corbyn is about to announce that the Labour Party will vote to remain in the European Union's 'Customs Union' after Brexit. He may well dress this up in various ways but it does seem that he is going to ignore the expressed will of the people and, instead, simply play politics. It's suggested that Labour may subsequently vote against the government in collusion with the Conservative 'remainers', led by the egregious Anna Soubry, in an attempt to create chaos.

Corbyn is an arch-socialist who has no liking for British traditions, capitalism or the ways of the western world, including democracy. His 'friends' include an assortment of terrorists (the IRA, Hamas, Isil) and his enemies are the United States, NATO and other established organisations which have helped to maintain some sort of peace, at least in the last 70 years, in the West.

It is Corbyn's desire to make further friends of Russia, China and a range of countries in South America and Africa; the common theme is that he wants to be on good terms with nations which are subject to brutal dictatorships, tyrants and, above all, anywhere that there is total government control. His heroes include such as Hugo Chavez, the former President / Dictator of Venezuela, while his supporters include the likes of George Galloway, the ultra-left wing former MP who was expelled from the labour Party, and Gerry Adams, the former leader of Sinn Fein, the left wing and IRA-supporting Irish party.

Corbyn's reaction to press reports of his connections with a known Czechoslovak spy is to denounce the press and threaten to introduce draconian controls on press freedoms 'when' he becomes Prime Minister. It occurs to me that that is the line followed by the likes of Stalin and Mao, the brutal dynastic leaders of North Korea and a plethora of vicious African dictators, not to mention the Russia of President Putin in which opponents find themselves in breach of the law or, worse, dead. 

Jeremy Corbyn is a throwback to the days of the class wars of past years and to a time when communism held sway in much of the world. His notions and ideas are those born out of a hatred of those who have anything that he doesn't have and a desire to control the lives of everyone over whom he can exercise power in accordance with his own beliefs. State control of our lives is his aim.

Corbyn is a man whose time is long passed and whose outdated notions we should reject. One can only hope that the electorate realises how shallow, prejudiced and backward looking he really is.

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