The prospect of Jeremy Corbyn ever becoming Prime Minister of our country is a terrifying one, made more so by an article in yesterday's Daily Telegraph. That Corbyn's Marxist policies would lead to economic catastrophe is something that anyone with a ha'p'orth of common sense already knows but allied to his previous political affiliations he becomes a man fundamentally unsuited to leading any western democracy.
The 'Telegraph' reports on Corbyn's cold war links with a Czechoslovakian spy who claims that the Labour leader, who was then merely an ultra left-wing back bench MP, met with him several times in the late 1980s and was a regular source of information; he says that everyone knew that he was a spy and describes Corbyn as "an honest man, but stupid". The former spy, Jan Sarkozy, also says that the information provided to him by Corbyn was rated highly by his masters in Moscow. To be fair to Mr Corbyn it should be noted that surviving records of the period apparently provide no verification of Sarkocy's claims, though it also seems that the vast majority of such records were destroyed once the Soviet Union collapsed and the eastern European countries which it had dominated turned to democracy.
Mr Corbyn has denied Sarkocy's claims and the Czech authorities have also said that there are no extant records to support them, but one is left wondering what the former spy has to gain by making such allegations. He was expelled from the UK in 1989 and now lives in Bratislava but, some 30 years after the events to which he is referring, why make such claims if there is no truth in them ?
While Mr Corbyn may be able to rely on the passage of time and destruction of records to at least afford him some protection from charges of being a foreign agent, he certainly can't deny his links with assorted other questionable causes. He has been associated with lunatic groups which deny that the NAZI 'holocaust' ever happened, has referred to members of Islamist terrorist groups Hizbollah and Hamas as his 'friends' and has recently been lauded by Gerry Adams, former leader of Sinn Fein and a supporter, at least, of the IRA. Early last year, it was discovered and reported that MI5 actually opened a file on Mr Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA and he was, apparently', monitored by Special Branch officers for two decades.
Although it seems that nothing concrete can be laid at Mr Corbyn's door, the old saying "where there's smoke, there's fire" comes to mind. It is clear that Corbyn's sympathies lie not with the British people nor their history but with assorted groups of malcontents and revolutionaries. His attitudes are those which many younger people may have but which age, and increasing wisdom, usually dispel; in Corbyn's case, it seems that age has not brought that wisdom, simply a blind adherence to ideologies that will lead him, and this country, down a blind alley if we are fool enough to let him.
Let no one be in any doubt. Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn would be very, very bad for the health of the United Kingdom and everyone in it.
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