It appears that the European is determined to cause maximum difficulty over the issue of Brexit. It's latest proposals, which suggest that Northern Ireland will have to remain within its Customs Union, would be laughable it they weren't so disruptive to the overall negotiations.
Such an arrangement would effectively mean that Northern Ireland would be separated from the rest of the United Kingdom, being aligned with the European Union and having a border with the rest of its own country. The Irish government has its own vested interests in this, using the issue as a means of promoting eventual Irish reunification, and some remainers also using it as an argument against Brexit altogether.
It is nonsense and Theresa May has made it very clear at Prime Minister's Questions that the proposal is an absolute non-starter for any UK Prime Minister. It seems that some in the hierarchy of the EU have already begun to 'row back' from this moronic idea, recognizing that it's an impossibility, but the question as to why it was put forward at all remains.
Rather than making any serious effort to help the Brexit process, far too many, both in Brussels and at home, are spending their time looking for ways to thwart it. In Brussels, the likes of Barnier and co. insist that it is for the UK to make all of the running while they sit back and throw brickbats at whatever is proposed; at home, the unreconstructed remainers take every opportunity to continue to promote 'Project Fear' and continue to shout loudly that Brexit will ruin our economy despite the
The solution for all parties is obvious though political machinations seem to prevent it from being implemented. All sides need to accept that Brexit is happening and be positive and cooperative; some hope.
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