Friday, 9 February 2018


The European Union's Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has been at it again. In a speech delivered today, he's been at pains to tell the UK what it can and cannot do, regardless of the fact that there are actually 2 sides in these negotiations and the eventual outcome will have to be acceptable to both sides.

Barnier talks quietly and exudes claimed logicality while actually behaving like a petty dictator. To him, the UKs exit from the EU will be on terms determined by the Union and only the Union; what the UK wants is irrelevant. He issues barely concealed threats and implicit criticism of the UK's senior negotiators; he does nothing to advance the process of Brexit while regularly referring to the short time available to reach agreement on a transitional deal.

If anyone needed convincing that leaving the EU is the only intelligent thing to do, it's the approach adopted by Barnier and his fellow EU bureaucrats; it's their way or no way. In my book, that means no way; the UK should tell them where to go and simply walk away from the whole bloody mess.

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