Thursday, 8 February 2018


George Soros is a Hungarian-born American billionaire. Today it's reported that he's involved himself in a campaign to subvert the UK's democratic process by providing a substantial donation to and organisation which is committed to keeping us in the European Union.

Soros has donated £400,000 to "Best for Britain", an organisation headed by a former Labour minister, Lord Malloch-Brown. On the radio this morning Malloch-Brown exuded clear contempt for both the result of the 2016 referendum and the people who voted to leave the EU; in his view, we were all traduced by misleading promises issued during the referendum campaign. He and his pals know better and are determined to make us understand that we got it wrong.

Malloch-Brown is a career diplomat and politician with a background in journalism and public relations. He worked for a considerable time at the World Bank and United Nations and has spent much of his life elsewhere than in the United Kingdom. He is basically one of the political elite who believes that he knows what is best for the rest of us, whether we like it or not.
George Soros is a very rich business man and political activist, who rarely does anything out of the goodness of his heart and now is attempting to interfere with the British democratic process for reasons of his own; as an American, he has no business involving himself in our affairs and the likes of Malloch-Brown should know this. However, the two men have a long association so it's hardly surprising that they've teamed up in this venture.
Once again, rich and highly privileged people are lining up to thwart democracy and to maintain the status quo from which they benefit so greatly. These people love bureaucracy and complexity because it prevents the 'little man' from ever being able to negotiate the convoluted systems that are contained within. They hate the prospect of anyone escaping from the clutches of organisations such as the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, EU and hundreds of other lucrative international bodies which have served them so well for so long. Forget national governments, these are the real rulers of our lives and they are all entirely unelected and undemocratic.
I am sick to death of hearing from these whining and whinging 'remainers' like Malloch-Brown. They lost the argument in June 2016, why can't they just shut up ?!

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