Sunday, 27 October 2019


Perhaps I'm just a miserable uncaring old sod, but I'm fed up with all the grotesquely sentimentalised way that our news is presented.

The discovery of a lorry load of dead illegal immigrants has been presented as if the dead were the unwilling, or unknowing, victims of some nasty, money grabbing organisation; in truth, they were simply people attempting to enter our country illegally. Whether they had paid to be smuggled in or were being 'trafficked' for the purposes of so-called modern slavery, they and their families expected to profit from the arrangement.  

That the adventure ended with their deaths is their own fault. If they had genuine and substantial reasons for coming to our country, there are established procedures to follow but they chose not to follow these, suggesting that their reasons were not strong enough. If they were refugees from dangerous or oppressive situations, their first port of call should have been the nearest place of safety or relief, which is never the United Kingdom. The only conclusion to be drawn is that they were knowingly breaking the law by attempting to enter our country illegally.

I have degree of sympathy for the families of those who have died, but no more than I have for the families of the thousands who depart this earth every day. For those who died in the lorry at Purfleet, I have no sympathy whatsoever; they knew what they were doing and knew the risks they were running.

Call me heartless, uncaring, unfeeling, callous or inhuman but it's time that we stopped the insanely over-emotional response to such events and started prioritising what is in the best interests of our own country, it's people and heritage. That means much stronger control of our borders and much harsher treatment for both smugglers and smuggled. 

Let's get on with it.

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