Heidi Allen, Sam Gymah, Sarah Wollaston and Philip Lee, these former luminaries of the Conservative Party have now all joined the Liberal Democrats. Does this not tell us something about them ?
How can anyone change direction quite so dramatically ? Forget the Liberals own publicity which places them in the centre, in truth they are where the Labour Party stood under Tony Blair and are neither liberal nor democratic. The Liberals have moved to occupy the ground now vacated by the Labour Party's dramatic shift to the far left, a position it last occupied under the fanatical Michael Foot in the early 1980s.
Allen, Gymah, Wollaston and Lee can never have been Conservatives in the first place. They may claim that they can't support Brexit or that the Conservatives have moved too far to the right for their liking, but the Liberals haven't suddenly become an alternative right wing party, they have remained left of centre. The modern day 'Gang of Four' clearly now espouse left wing views and policies - either they are hypocrites of the first water, or they never were Conservatives. Perhaps they are both.
None of these four has had the decency to offer their constituents the opportunity to decide whether they now want to be represented by a Liberal Democrat or would prefer to have the Conservative representation they voted for at the last general election. More hypocrisy. Add in Rory Stewart, a man obsessed with himself, and the appalling Anna Soubry, and it seems that Boris Johnson's actions are actually clearing out some of the left wing elements and other dross from his party.
Good on him !
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