The so-called Extinction Rebellion has continued to disrupt the lives of law abiding citizens by blocking roads and interfering with London's transport systems. They claim that this is all in pursuit of the great cause of preventing climate change from destroying our planet but is it ?
Who are the people behind Extinction Rebellion now, it seems, given a new and somewhat exalted status by the BBC whose reporter yesterday took to referring to them as "E.R.", an appellation previously reserved for the Queen; apparently, it should be "X.R." anyway. It is apparent that those who have been causing turmoil in London are largely the usual crowd of agitators who turn out to protest against anything that they consider to be vaguely 'right wing', 'corporate' or 'capitalist', or in favour of the latest left wing faddish cause célèbre.
Many politicians have fêted the silly child from Sweden so as to be seen to be, in the latest fashion, "woke", whatever that means. In truth, Greta Thunberg has simply been an unknowing tool in the hands of those who want only to destroy western society and replace it with some supposed socialist utopia of their own design. Climate change, and other threats, may well be real, but the people making the most noise about such things have only this one aim in mind and they'll use anything, any argument, to achieve it.
Peaceful and lawful protest is one thing, but blocking streets, disrupting travel and rendering the lives of those who are simply going about their daily business difficult or impossible, is quite another and should not be tolerated. Our police spend much time on pursuing those who may, or may not, have committed "hate crimes", crimes more in the mind than anywhere else, but seem to be somewhat reluctant to tackle real crimes that affect large numbers of people. Obstruction is a crime and I'm fairly sure that there are laws that cover disrupting transport networks too, and yet the police have largely stood by and watched. Yes a good few protestors have been arrested but how many of these will be charged and how many others should have been arrested ?
The moral of the story seems to be that those protesting against nasty capitalist or corporate ventures are to be tolerated, while those who want to protect their own culture by opposing the ever increasing influx of immigrants, the promotion of multiculturalism, laws and activities that discriminate against white, Anglo-Saxon men or who simply dislike the left wing bias of the media and others in positions of power, are vilified and even criminalized.
Our society is fragmenting and crumbling and no one seems to care or even notice. God help the coming generations.
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