One again, the anti-democratic forces of 'Remain' have hit the headlines with a batch of scaremongering stories.
A new voice from the EU side, Natasha Bertaud who, it seems, is a spokesman for the European Commission, has opined that while a 'no deal' Brexit would not be good for either side, it would be proportionately worse for the UK than for the EU. However, Ms Bertaud seems to have offered nothing beyond this vague opinion.
We've also been treated to an exposé in the Sunday Times which has published elements of a government initiated report relating to something called Operation Yellowhammer. Supposedly, an assessment of the effects of a no deal scenario has revealed that the UK 'could' face a "3 month meltdown at its ports, a hard Irish border and shortages of food and medicine". This seems to be little more than a repeat of earlier scares and is moderated by the use of 'could'; clearly such a scenario is only one of various possibilities, although the manner of reporting rather glosses over this. The Sunday Times is, by the way, one of the newspapers which has a history of being opposed to Brexit in any form.
Joining these latest attempts to make Brexit seem like a disaster, the BBC, the well-spring of anti-Brexit sentiment, has claimed to have seen "internal local council planning documents" which have raised concerns about the standard of school meals in the event of no deal; the BBC also claims that "many councils" say that school meal costs would rise. As usual, this is a report which makes grand and wide-ranging claims with little or no actual evidence, at least that they are prepared to make public.
The government, and Prime Minister Johnson, have refuted these assorted claims but it's the claims that have been headlined in the media; effectively, only the claimed negative effects of Brexit are being publicised. Thankfully, it has now been announced from Downing Street that a large scale public information campaign is expected to begin in the near future, so perhaps we will soon start hearing of the positive aspects of Brexit and the ways in which any short term problems of no deal will be handled.
Personally, the more scaremongering I hear, the more certain I am that getting out of the EU as soon as possible, deal or no deal, is an absolute necessity. In fact, the more scaremongering I hear, the more convinced I am that those who are promoting it are simply terrified that they are losing the argument.
Roll on 1st November, and the Brave New World of liberation, freedom and self determination.
And now the BBC says it's seen another "internal local authority document" which claims that Brexit will be a threat to fuel supplies.
Why is it that the BBC is so keen to publicise every claimed bad effect of Brexit while hardly ever mentioning the benefits to be gained by taking back control of our own law making, financial arrangements, social policy, trade arrangements and so much more ? Clearly the BBC is placing itself at the forefront of the campaign to reverse the referendum result - as such, it is no longer an impartial reporter of news, despite its highly privileged position as the state broadcaster. The government should remove its funding and shut it down.
And now the BBC says it's seen another "internal local authority document" which claims that Brexit will be a threat to fuel supplies.
Why is it that the BBC is so keen to publicise every claimed bad effect of Brexit while hardly ever mentioning the benefits to be gained by taking back control of our own law making, financial arrangements, social policy, trade arrangements and so much more ? Clearly the BBC is placing itself at the forefront of the campaign to reverse the referendum result - as such, it is no longer an impartial reporter of news, despite its highly privileged position as the state broadcaster. The government should remove its funding and shut it down.
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