Monday, 12 August 2019


While Prime Minister Boris Johnson is concentrating on major issues such as tackling serious crime, his political opponents are continuing to concentrate on their pet and petty, largely imagined problems of supposed social injustice.

Johnson has announced plans to increase police numbers by the tens of thousands and also to increase prison places; he's indicated as desire to tackle violent crime with additional money for the Crown Prosecution Service and a review of both the length of prison sentences and the way in which they are operated. He wants dangerous criminals to be brought to justice, their sentences to "fit the crime" and those sentences to be operated in such a way as to keep the offenders off our streets. The automatic process of early release for all is to be reconsidered.

At the same time, what is the Labour Party doing ? Well, it's big idea today is to review the management of grouse shooting, claiming that this is something that damages the environment. Diane Abbott, who has clearly drawn the short straw on this nonsense, made a pretty poor fist of defending the plan on the radio this morning and clearly knew little about the subject. If this isn't just a case of Labour getting it's knickers in a twist over what it sees as an activity pursued by the hated 'upper class', I don't know what it is; it certainly isn't a matter of national importance.

Alongside this socialist claptrap, Caroline Lucas, another leftie but disguised as an environmentalist under the 'Green' label, has been arguing that the country needs an all female "emergency cabinet" in a bid to stop Brexit. She wants to oust Prime Minister Boris Johnson and form a "national unity government", which would, of course, be nothing of the sort; it would simply be a government that pursues the policies of which she approves rather than those of which she does not.

I don't know about anyone else but if I have to choose between tackling serious crime, reviewing the management of grouse shooting, and establishing an all female emergency cabinet, I know which I'd be voting for.

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