Tuesday, 3 April 2018


It's been reported that London is now as dangerous as New York in terms of murders committed. Thus far in 2018, there have been 46 murders in the British capital city compared with 50 in New York, but the incidence of this ultimate crime has been greater in London in the last couple of months.

This shocking statistic has already been added to in April with a 17 year old girl being shot in Tottenham yesterday while two boys, aged 16 and 15, have been found in injured in Walthamstow, the first having been shot and the second stabbed. What is going on ?

When I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, murder was a relatively rare crime. People did not routinely run around shooting or stabbing each other but now it seems all that has changed. The 'gang' culture now prevalent in some immigrant communities added to the trade in illicit drugs has turned some parts of our major cities, most notably London, into criminal rat-holes. Our police seem quite unable to stem the tide of violence and the result is dead children. 

The problem, to my mind, is that we have been far to slow to react to such activities, fearing accusations of discrimination and racism. Instead successive governments have introduced new but totally ineffectual laws relating to the carrying of various potential weapons or trading in drugs, which sounds good but achieves nothing. Those who routinely carry guns and knives and trade in drugs don't care about the law and continue to act as before.

The police institute 'Operation something or other' and pretend that this is a solution when it's nothing more than a smokescreen for their failure, not that the failure is down to them alone. The source of the failure lies fairly and squarely with governments which have placed so many strictures on the police that for them to have any real impact on the perpetrators of these appalling crimes is almost impossible. Instead of stopping this wave of violence, the police chase motorists who've dropped litter or failed to comply with some other useless law. They spend their time monitoring us via the vast numbers of surveillance cameras that now follow our every move, though not, it seems, in the areas where they're really needed. They pursue the innocent victims of accusations of child abuse, rape or whatever the latest faddish crime is.

Our society is crumbling around our ears. Does no one else but me see it and hear it ?

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