Tuesday, 24 April 2018


There is no doubt that those who are currently demanding that the UK either remains in the European Union's Customs' Union or makes some other sort of customs' union arrangement with the EU are really doing nothing but trying to keep the UK in the EU.

The Customs' Union is an integral part of the European Union and being a member implies also being a member of that bureaucratic organisation or, at the very least, being subservient to it. Such an outcome to the Brexit negotiations would fly in the face of the referendum result and would prevent the UK from pursuing the potentially lucrative free trade arrangements with the rest of the world which was a key cornerstone of the Brexit campaign. It would clearly be wholly unacceptable to Brexiteers.

Any serious moves in that direction would almost certainly lead to a major split within the Conservative Party and a smaller one within Labour. A general election and the arrival of a Marxist Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street would be inevitable.

Do we really want that ? 

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