W hile the Labour party is offering to tax the nation to death and create a Marxist state, the Liberal Democrats simply want to ignore Democracy.
Ever since the referendum in June 2016, the 'LibDems' have been trying to find ways of reversing the decision which was democratically arrived at by a majority of the people. Most recently they've been trying to convince us all that we were horribly uninformed and simply didn't understand the choice we were making; since when was calling the electorate stupid a good way of gaining their votes ?
Yesterday, on 'The Daily Politics', Nick Clegg was at it again, repeating over and over that the people didn't realise that a vote to leave the European Union also meant leaving the 'Single Market'; he claimed that this fact was simply not explained, or even worse, was ignored by the 'Out' campaign.
Clegg was then confronted with a series of television interview clips which made it absolutely clear that his claims were nonsense; David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and George Osborne were all shown stating, very clearly, that leaving the EU meant leaving the 'Single Market. There was no room for doubt and the interviews were all conducted by well-known figures on well-known programmes; importantly, the statements were made by campaigners for both the 'In' and Out' campaigns.
Astonishingly, Clegg still didn't bend. Instead, he shifted his ground to say that most people didn't watch these programmes and tried to imply that the problem was in some other, undefined, area. Now, in clear defiance of the democratic vote of the people, the Liberal Democrats are promising, if elected to government, to hold another referendum; obviously it is their view that the last one produced the wrong result so they want to give us all a chance to realise how silly we were and to get it right.
Accordingly, the Liberal Democrat manifesto promises another referendum along with a something about housing benefit for 18-21 year olds and bus passes for all; not exactly a programme for government. Interestingly, the real Liberal Party, the one made up of people who didn't like the way in which their old party was taken over by the left-leaning 'Social Democratic Party' in 1988, is perfectly happy with the notion of the UK leaving the EU and campaigned for a 'No' vote in 2016.
It would seem that the LibDems are not liberal at all, and they're certainly not democratic. In truth, they're just another bunch of self-serving and egotistical politicians who'll say and do anything to get votes and protect their own positions.
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