Wednesday, 3 May 2017


With the UK's General Election campaigns beginning to get into their stride, one or two of the unelected bureaucrats of the European Union appear to be doing their best to scare British voters with various stories about the difficulties associated with Brexit.

Suggestions include that the negotiations will be far from easy, that the UK will not get a good deal and even that the 'bill' for leaving could be as much as €100bn. Political giants such as Jean-Claude Juncker and Michel Barnier have issued carefully worded statements while there have also been assorted leaks of supposed information, all aimed at telling British voters that leaving the EU is not a good idea. Presumably the hope is that it will encourage voters to think again about whether to support Theresa May.

In reality, continual interference by EU officials, however its done, will only serve to have the opposite effect. The British voted to leave the EU partly because that body is interfering and dictatorial, wastes money in truck loads and is a bureaucratic nightmare; the recent interventions demonstrate all of this, and more, and can only backfire on the doom-mongers who delivered the messages.

Ignore the nonsense and keep the faith.

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