Sunday, 28 May 2017


With the General Election now less than 2 weeks away, the gap between Conservative and Labour in opinion polls has closed quite significantly. However, has anything really changed ?

Exactly as at the start of the campaign, Jeremy Corbyn's Labour believe in much higher taxation for all, much greater public sector borrowing and debt, less support for our armed forces and the defence of our nation, nationalisation of major services and industries, more state control of our lives but little control over immigration. The people currently leading the party have fairly extreme left-wing views and some, such as John McDonnell and Diane Abbott, are clearly much closer to Marxism than to Socialism.

In contrast, the Conservatives believe in taxation being at the lowest sustainable level, less public sector borrowing and debt, greater resources for the defence of the country, relative freedom for major services and industries, less state control of our lives and greater controls over immigration. The Conservatives are not dominated by a faction of extremists and remain mildly right-of-centre in political terms.

The Conservatives are committed to carrying out the will of the people as expressed in the Referendum on membership of the European Union while Labour's position on this crucial issue is less certain but would quite possibly lead to the UK remaining members of this egregious organisation.

While Labour would rob us all through increased taxation and create vast amounts of 'new money' through borrowing, which it would throw around with gay abandon, the Conservatives would try to tackle the most serious economic issues affecting us by increasing productivity, increasing efficiency and reducing public sector costs. The Conservatives believe in personal responsibility while Labour believes in the 'Nanny State', which knows best and will keep us safe by taking control of our everyday lives away from us.

It cannot be denied that the Conservatives have made a bit of a hash of things in the last week or so of campaigning but the basics remain the same. Do we want to control our own lives and be able to spend our money on our priorities, or do we want the government to do it all for us ? Do we want to be in or out of the European Union ? Do we want to be in a forward looking country or one that is harking back to the Trades Union dominated days of the 1960s and 1970s when we were bankrupted by Labour policies ?

Do we want a government run by moderate Conservatives or one run by fanatical Socialists and neo-Marxists ?

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