Saturday, 18 May 2019


Those who want to prevent Brexit make much of the supposedly misleading claims made by the 'Leave' campaign prior to the 2016 referendum, but they say nothing about the claims made by their own side. In fact, they simply say, or imply, that voters were so seriously misled that they didn't understand the realities of Brexit and should be offered another chance to vote.

That this is utter bilge should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. In every campaign, be it for elections or, as in this case, for a referendum, the opposing sides make claims about what they will do, or what will happen, if successful and also make claims about what will happen if the other side wins. At the time of the referendum, 'Leave' told us that success for them would mean freedom from EU bureaucracy, freedom to make our own trade deals, a substantial saving to the public purse which could be reinvested in public services and an altogether brighter future for the UK.

On the other hand, the 'Remain' side told us little about what staying in the EU would mean beyond vague references to the supposed safety and security to be gained from remaining staying in this supra-national organisation. They concentrated far more on telling voters of the horrors that awaited should we be stupid enough to vote to leave. We were told that we would suffer financial and economic ruin immediately after the vote and that there would be terrible implications for trade and tourism. Agreements regarding air flights would no longer apply and crossing borders would become shockingly difficult; there'd be massive problems in obtaining drugs and other medical supplies that come from Europe and there'd be all manner of tariffs introduced which would make many goods much more expensive. 

That none of the horror stories were anything other than scaremongering, or show any sign of being realised, is something which those who are so keen to prevent Brexit never mention. Indeed, even those who are anxious to leave the EU as soon as possible say little about it, presumably because raising the subject simply gives their opponents an excuse to remind the public of their own extravagant claims about extra money for the NHS.

Voters were no more misled by the 'Leave' campaign than they were by the 'Remain' campaign. Both sides made claims which were of dubious quality but that is how elections and referendums are run. The opposing camps make all manner of claims about how wonderful life will be if they win and how dreadful it will be if their opponents do; neither tells the whole truth and both ignore any facts which don't support their own position.

It was made very clear by both sides that leaving the European Union would mean leaving both the 'single market' and the 'customs' union', now the remainers ignore this or say that voters just didn't understand the implications. They say that the Brexit now on offer is completely different from what people voted for back in 2016 - what on earth does this mean ? People cast their votes either to stay in the EU or to leave it; they didn't vote for any 'type' of Brexit, they just wanted OUT !

If anyone should be making a fuss, it's the Leavers. Mrs May's withdrawal agreement is a hopeless compromise that potentially leaves the UK tied to, and subservient to, the EU for an indefinite period of time. In a sense, Remainers are correct in their claims about the Brexit on offer being different from what was voted on, but they're fundamentally wrong in the reasons. The difference is that the Brexit on offer is no real Brexit at all, though that is what the liberal elite, who are in charge, wanted all along. Even so, there are still those who won't agree to any Brexit and simply want the UK to stay in the EU, and so our political masters find themselves unable to agree on anything.

It seems clear that the Euro elections on 23rd May are going to be a utterly catastrophic for the Conservative Party and not much better for Labour. The Brexit Party, which has only existed for a few weeks, appears likely to win the votes of around 35% of the electorate and the message this will send to the both major parties will be loud, clear and frightening. Is there the slightest chance that they will hear the message and act on it, or will they just carry on as before, ensconced as they are in their own little bubble worlds and concerned only with their own vested interests ?

The way to make our masters sit up and take real notice is to ensure that as many people as possible vote for the Brexit Party on 23rd May. I will and I hope that millions more will too.

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