Sunday, 5 May 2019


If anyone needs evidence of the hypocrisy and duplicity of our current crop of politicians they need only consider their use of language.

In 2016 we had a referendum which all agreed would be binding on the government. In the event, the government received a surprise in that it got the 'wrong' result, but still it accepted that it had to abide by that outcome, as did the opposition parties. Ever since, those who didn't like the result have sought to reverse it.

There have been claims that the electorate were misled although the leaflets distributed by the Remain side were absolutely clear with regard to what leaving the European Union would mean. To counter this argument, Remainers changed their tack slightly to say that those who voted to leave didn't fully understand the issues, a clear calumny. They then moved on to start suggesting that there should be a 'Peoples' Vote' to determine whether any deal agreed with the EU was acceptable.

Why 'Peoples' Vote' ? We had a referendum and the people gave their verdict. Was not the referendum a 'Peoples' Vote' ? What we have is a bunch of anti-democrats, led by the arch anti-democrats of the laughably named Liberal Democratic Party, demanding a second referendum because they didn't like the answer given by the first. This has been standard practice in the EU for many years, with second and third referendums being conducted whenever member states got the 'wrong' answer from their electorates first, or even second, time around. This is also what the liberal elite expect to happen until they get the result that they wanted in the first place.

To call for a second referendum but dress it up in 1984 Newspeak as a 'Peoples' Vote' is nothing short of political fraud. It actually exposes our modern political cronies as the bunch of crooks that they are, people who will never call a spade a spade, never answer a question honestly and will use every imaginable contrivance in order to con the public into voting for them, with absolutely no concern for honesty, integrity, sincerity, or the democracy they all claim to believe in.

The entire political class in this country is riddled with corruption and is mostly unfit for office. What are we going to do about it ?

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