Thursday, 30 May 2019


Why is it that the forces which normally refer to themselves as 'progressive' are the main drivers of keeping the United Kingdom locked into the socialist bureaucracy that is the European Union ? While many Conservatives and, to be fair, a good many Labour supporters, are eager to progress to a position in which the UK can take advantage of the freedoms to be gained by leaving the EU, it is the Liberal Democrats and, now, the Labour party's hierarchy which are leading the campaign against Brexit.

Lionel Shriver, writing in the Daily Telegraph a couple of weeks ago questioned the way in which the Left wing of politics has subverted our language and made 'Left' synonymous with good and 'Right' synonymous with bad. Claiming to be Left wing is automatically viewed as being on the side of the people, justice, fairness, equality and progress, while even being thought of as being Right wing immediately raises visions of racism, bigotry, privilege and regression. Anyone vaguely Right wing is, these days, labelled 'Hard Right', as are the Conservative party's anti-EU European Research Group for no other reason than that they support a quick and clean Brexit. Anyone promoting genuinely Right wing policies is 'Far Right', an epithet which the Left has made synonymous with NAZI and all that such an allusion brings to mind.

Why does the Right not fight back ? There is nothing remotely 'progressive' about the policies of the Left, in fact their policies are rooted in the class struggles of previous centuries. Their 'progressive' policies demand ever higher taxation, ever greater state interference and control and evermore bureaucracy, with the associated vast number of 'jobs for the boys'. This 'progressive' approach inevitably leads to support for the elephantine bureaucracy that is the European Union. The awful thing is that a substantial chunk of what used to be Right wing politicians has gravitated into a slushy 'centre ground' where they are almost indistinguishable from their Left wing opponents. Consequently, what might be termed the 'New Right' is not Right at all, but a sort of nothingness which offers no opposition to the policies of the 'New Left' which is, in reality, where true extremism lies.

Keeping the UK in the European Union is a policy being pursued by those who don't want their cosy little world to be disturbed by anything so distressing as progress. They have no faith in the UK's ability to thrive outside of the rigid framework created by the bureaucrats and self-serving leaders of the EU; they don't want to lose the opportunities for self-glorification that flow from our membership of this ridiculous, corrupt and unaccountable political construct. To this end they have woven a web of fear around the very idea of ever leaving it, never getting their terrifying predictions right and rarely being specific - it's been good enough to simply assail us all with vague statements about economic collapse, aircraft falling out of the skies, terrorists running riot, drug supplies drying up and so on.

None of the claims made by the anti-Brexit brigade are true and yet none of those making them are in court; neither has anyone else ever been taken to court over the many dubious claims made in other referendums or elections. However, opponents of Brexit will stop at nothing and Boris Johnson, who made various claims during the referendum campaign in 2016 and is, of course, a proponent of Brexit, is to appear in court to answer charges that some of his claims were misleading. Not only does the Left wing subvert our language but now it subverts our legal processes as well.

Don't be fooled by the fact that many Conservative Members of Parliament support staying in the EU, these are part of the left leaning cabal which now dominates our country. They also hate the thought that Johnson, or some other genuine Right winger, might win the Conservative party's leadership war and will connive in any dirty plot designed to stop such an appalling thing, in their eyes, from happening. Some, such as Dominic Grieve, have threatened to leave the party, good riddance I say; others, Philip Hammond for one, have threatened to bring down the government should a right winger dare to lead the country in a truly Right wing fashion.

For far too long our Conservative party has been led by an elite of highly privileged career politicians, far more interested in holding on to power than in arguing the toss with an equally dysfunctional Labour opposition. They have caved in to every crazy 'middle of the road' idea advocated by the liberal elite and have bent over backwards to adopt every wishy-washy policy they can find. They have been no more 'progressive' than those they claim to oppose and so must be labelled accordingly - our Conservative party is not conservative at all, it is just another version of a socialist one.

Progress means promoting genuine opportunity and that means leaving the European Union, scrapping all of the highly restrictive rules and regulations which place enormous burdens on business, not to mention individuals, and finally being honest. We are not all equal; men and women are different; difference is good; the NHS is not the envy of the world. These things and many more have to be acknowledged and we must rid ourselves of the inherently socialist ethos that we have become immured in.

What chance ?

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