Wednesday, 20 March 2019


And so, Brexit is off, at least for the moment and quite possibly for good.

After what's been reported as a stormy meeting of the UK Cabinet yesterday, Prime Minister (though for how long ?) Theresa May is going to formally ask the European Union to postpone its exit from their nasty little club. Apparently she's going to ask for a 'short' extension, whatever 'short' might mean and however it may be interpreted by the EU.

There have been reports of huge unrest in the government as well as in the Conservative party at large. The EU has made it clear, yet again, that they propose doing nothing to help the situation, the UK Parliament has made it clear that they can't agree on anything but would much prefer Brexit to be cancelled altogether. Media pundits are rubbing their hands at the prospect of another 3 months, at least, of being able to pontificate and give us all the benefit of their wisdom, such as it is.

With elections for the European Parliament due in late May, things couldn't be much more confused and there's no sign that there'll be any clarity any time soon. It's been suggested that Leavers are happier than Remainers over this latest development as some believe that 'No Deal' is now back as a serious option, but isn't it more likely that a 'short' postponement will lead to a never-ending one ? Our 'representatives' in Parliament will be working overtime to ensure that they make the most of the extra weeks or months to muddy the water, to obfuscate and render any Brexit arrangement as meaningless as possible. 

It seems to me that the Forces of Darkness are well on the way to winning and Democracy in the UK is all but extinct, just like the Dodo.

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