As the UK government and parliament degenerate into total chaos and the prospect of any meaningful exit from the European Union fades into the distance, the control freaks of that Union have been busy dreaming up yet more ways to micromanage the lives of its citizens.
Within the last couple of days, while Speaker Bercow has been doing his best to destroy democracy in the UK, the loons in Brussels have voted to require every member state to follow ne rules about their time-zone arrangements; in short, the practice of moving clocks forward in spring and back again in autumn will be outlawed and all will have to choose which clock setting they prefer, and stick to it for ever and a day. Someone in the UK hierarchy has apparently said that we will continue to move our clocks twice a year "once we've left the EU", but what will happen if, and quite possibly when, our anti-democratic parliamentarians prevent that from happening ?
Secondly, another little wheeze that was voted through yesterday would see all cars sold in the EU after (I think) 2022 fitted with cameras that would magically read roadside speed limit signs and automatically ensure that they are complied with. One can only wonder how this will actually be achieved, at what cost, with what chaos and to what real end. The roadside infrastructure would have to be standardised, with all across Europe having the same design, the same height and positioning; the huge amounts of overgrown hedges and trees that abound in the UK, and no doubt elsewhere, would all have to be cut back and properly maintained - fat chance ! What would happen on roads which currently have no signs ? How would cars fitted with the new devices be integrated with older models which are free to speed as they like ? What about the simple fact that the UK uses MPH, while most of the rest of Europe uses KPH ? It's a potential nightmare idea, dreamt up by liberal-left politicians who are certain that they know what's best for the rest of us poor plebs. Presumably, this is a precursor to eventual satellite tracking of all vehicles, another nightmare scenario.
(Oh, it seems I'm behind the curve. UK government representatives have already said that we will be lumbered, whether we leave the EU or not, and GPS tracking is part of the package - more lunacy as BIG BROTHER controls more and more of our lives.)
I find it amazing that while the EU cannot see its way to a technological solution to the supposed Irish border issue, it can come up with a technological means of controlling every motorist throughout almost the whole of its continent. I find it unbelievable that they should see a need to interfere in the lives of people by insisting on rules about time and clocks. Have these faceless bureaucratic busybodies nothing better to do with their own time ?
With every passing day, I grow more convinced that the UK must get away from this insane organization. Sadly, our masters in Westminster remain wedded to what they perceive as the security of a European super-state, ignoring the fact that it is, in reality, a moribund, insular, protectionist, controlling and interfering anachronism. Thank heaven that I'm much nearer the end of life than the beginning.
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