Tuesday, 19 March 2019


The UK government really is at sixes and sevens over Brexit, even more so now that Mr Speaker Bercow has stuck his oar in, again. It seems he will not allow yet another vote on Mrs May's Brexit 'Deal' unless the relevant motion is substantially different from what has gone before.

Both sides of the argument have claimed that this is actually good news for them. Remainers say that it means we can't now leave on 29th March and a long extension to the Article 50 date must be agreed; Leavers claim that the legal position is clear - without approval of anything else, leaving on 29th March is now the only obvious possibility.

If ever we needed proof that parliamentarians represent themselves rather than their constituents, it's come in the endless arguments over Brexit during the last 3 years. Having handed the decision to the people, most Members of both Houses of Parliament have spent that time looking for ways to frustrate the result of the referendum and now, with just 10 days to go to a withdrawal date for which they all voted, they continue to chuck obstacles in the way. At the same time, the European Union does all it can to add fuel to the flames with its own interminable machinations, bureaucracy and adherence to labyrinthine rules and regulations. 

If I was Theresa May which, thankfully, I'm not I wouldn't have arrived at this point because I'd have told the EU what we were going to do rather than going cap-in-hand and asking what they'd permit. Nonetheless, we are where we are so what now ? To me, it's obvious. Mrs May should tell those in Brussels that her 'Deal' cannot be voted on again and is, effectively, dead; the alternative, as agreed by Parliament and enshrined in UK law is that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union next Friday, 29th March 2019 without an all-encompassing withdrawal agreement in place. 

She should then ask them what THEY are going to do about it.

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