We often hear about the ways that computers and other 'IT' will make our lives easier and easier. All of the drudgery of our daily lives will be taken over by machines and we will be left to 'enjoy' the resulting freedom.
Ho, Ho ! Yesterday's problems with the VISA computer system threw the world into turmoil as shop owners and customers struggled to cope; payment cards were refused and cash was King, at least for the day. Sadly, many people have almost forgotten what cash is and found life most difficult.
While this was but one isolated problem, it surely should focus our minds on the potential for disaster when the much vaunted IT systems fail us. Cars, trains and planes all rely on computers and if the computer fails, so does the conveyance; when it comes to 'driverless' cars, I shudder.
Digital technology is everywhere, in our mobile phones, televisions, laptops and tablets; booking systems, health systems, government systems for taxes and benefits. The police rely on computers as does 'big business'; much manufacturing relies on computerised assembly lines. Without GPS, many drivers would be unable to find their way, having forgotten how to read a normal map. Without IT, our microwaves wouldn't work, nor many other household appliances.
We hand over control of our lives to such digital technology at our peril. Yesterday was simply a tiny foretaste of the chaos that can result.
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