Boris Johnson has made his way into the headlines again by managing to be recorded at a private function.
In typical Boris style, he's apparently referred to the Treasury as being the "heart of Remain" and saying that the government's Brexit negotiations strategy lacks "guts"; he suggested that Donald Trump would do a better job. Needless to say, his words have been seized upon by the media as yet more evidence of turmoil within the Cabinet.
Frankly, Boris is right. Ever since the referendum, the Treasury has been producing negative forecasts of the consequences of Brexit and has been at the forefront of 'Project Fear'. Coupled with this, the government has seemed to be running scared of the Eurocrats on the other side of the table; at every turn, our representatives have backtracked and simply failed to show any backbone at all. Rather than tell the EU what WE will and won't do. we have kow-towed to THEIR every whim; we have been treated like, and have accepted the position of, a naughty child doing its best to get back into the 'good books' of its parents.
Donald Trump would never have done this. As a man with none of the political baggage that so besets genuine politicians, Trump would have taken a much tougher stance with the EU and would have taken control of the negotiations. Sadly, our political leaders, constrained by all manner of nonsensical political twaddle, have failed miserably to do any such thing and Brexit, when it happens, will be a pale imitation of what the people voted for.
The EU needs a deal every bit as much as does the UK. By now, Trump would have walked away and the EU negotiators would been the ones in turmoil; they would have been desperate to drag us back to the table and would have been prepared to give us almost anything to safeguard their trade surplus with us and to ensure that the billions already promised aren't lost.
I say again, Boris is right and our government has betrayed us.
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