Tuesday, 26 September 2017


As 'Brexit' negotiations grind on, one has to wonder just who is doing the negotiating on behalf of the European Union. Time and again, some Euro-crat or Euro-politician pops up in the media demanding this or that or being rather derogatory about the UK's position on various issues. Yawn !!!

While the UK has 2 principals in the discussions, Theresa May and David Davis, the EU appears to have an unlimited number in opposition, Michel Barnier, Jean Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk seem to head the list but, for good measure, assorted others appear to be determined to have their say too. Angela Merckel, on behalf of Germany and Emmanuel Macron on behalf of France both have their own axes to grind and the leaders of other European countries occasionally pop their heads above the parapet as well.

Then there are the various heads of organisations such as the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the OECD, and even an assortment of real minnows, such as the so-called 'ratings agencies', Moody's amongst them, who feel compelled to stick their oars in, almost always with dire warnings about the dangers associated with the UK's exit from the EU, just as they voiced dire warnings about our exit from the ERM and failure to join the Euro. Their record of forecasting success is pretty poor and yet they still have credence; one wonders why.

There are, of course, other voices within Britain that sometimes ring out with a dull thud. Those determined to stop the whole process which was set in motion by a vote of the entire nation still want to reverse the decision and will use any nonsense to try to do it. A ragbag of has-beens, the likes of Tony Blair, Paddy Ashdown, Nick Clegg and Vince Cable - keep popping up with proposals to hold second referendums, dressed up in various ways to try to avoid the charge that they are simply trying to ignore the democratic will of the people when that is exactly what they are doing. These increasingly aging Europhiles just can't accept that the result of the referendum can be allowed to stand; the stupid people got it wrong and we have to save them from the error of their ways seems to be their message. 

Annoyingly, these trolls keep trying to put obstacles in the way of the government as it goes about its job of implementing the will of the people. They provide hope for those in Europe who also want the process halted and make it easier for them to be obstructive. If, instead, they supported Mrs May's government, the UK would be in a far stronger position to combat the salvoes of rhetoric from the other side and to set the agenda for the discussions. Sadly, this won't happen.

If ever there was a case for outright dictatorship, it is demonstrated by the Brexit. The people have spoken and it is the duty of our representatives to act upon our wishes, regardless of their own petty and largely selfish interests. These people are enemies of the people and of the State; they should be locked up.

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