Saturday, 8 July 2017


For some obscure reason, sports' commentators seem to feel obliged to keep apologising for 'bad language' that may, or may not, have been heard by viewers after it's been picked up by the microphones habitually present on sports' fields today.

Football, rugby, cricket and tennis seem particularly vulnerable to this nonsense which simply ignores the unpleasant nature of much of modern life. The most disgusting language is routinely heard everywhere - at home, in the street, in schools and colleges, on television and in films. It is hardly surprising that, in the heat of battle, the occasional curse might escape the lips of players but for commentators to keep apologising for things that aren't heard by most, are no different to what is heard everyday and in every place, over which they have no control and for which they have no responsibility, is idiotic.

Our society seems to have such confused values.

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