Friday, 7 July 2017


I am becoming quite appalled at the manner in which an assortment of people and organisations have attempted to involve themselves in the case of this poor, unfortunate child.

President Trump, Pope Francis, American researchers and doctors at an American hospital have all had a go at exploiting this situation. Why Trump and the Pope have tried to intervene only they know, but the US doctors and researchers clearly have a vested interest in trying out their experimental drugs and therapies. Sadly, Charlie's parents have continued to ignore the best interests of their dying child and have actively encouraged all of this brouhaha.

The child's condition is clear and unequivocal; their are no therapies which will improve his condition and he will die very soon after his various life support interventions are removed. The treatment offered by US researchers would do nothing other than prolong his distressing life without any chance of improvement; surrendering him to their tender mercies would be to turn him into a laboratory test animal. All of this has been accepted and agreed not only by doctors and courts in the United Kingdom but also by the European Court of Human Rights, a body well known for leaning heavily on the side of anyone whose 'rights' are in danger of even the slightest contravention.

Charlie Gard's own interests are best served by allowing him to die. The sooner his parents, politicians, priests, uncle Tom Cobley and All simply accept this and let him go, the better.

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