Thursday, 13 July 2017


Listening to politicians from all parties witter on about the European Union and the UK's exit from it, I'm becoming utterly convinced that they are out to ensure that leaving is impossible.

Rather than talking of opportunities and looking for solutions to the perceived problems, they do nothing but talk of the terrible difficulties that we face. There is talk of setting up a variety of joint committees and panels to determine various things after we leave, arrangements which would be simply ridiculous.

When, or if, we leave, we leave and European Union rules and regulations, laws and courts, will no longer apply, and yet our political masters seem not to want to accept this. Of course, in suggesting that they will be, obstructive the Labour party is actually doing nothing more than looking for an opportunity to bring the government down and take power themselves. The Liberal Democrats are Euro-fanatics and will do anything to keep us in the bureaucratic nightmare of the EU as will some Europhile Conservatives such as Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry.

There can be no reason, other than playing political games, for anyone to suggest that we should remain under any sort of EU control after March 2019. There can be no reason why the European Court of Justice should continue to have any role in British life after that time and suggestions that it should continue to oversee the 'rights' of EU citizens in the UK is insane; it would lead to a situation in which people living and working next door to each other could be subject to different laws, something which would be a nonsense. Quite clearly, those who live in the UK should be subject to UK law while those who live in other countries are subject to the laws in effect in their chosen homes.

With EU officials meeting representatives of the Scottish and Welsh governments, and Jeremy Corbyn also trying to get in on the act, it's clear that anti-democratic forces are massing against the result of our 2016 referendum. Likewise, the way in which many of those in parliament are inventing all manner of perceived problems and proposing ridiculously complicated solutions which would effectively negate 'Brexit' makes me fear that 'Brexit' will never happen.

If it doesn't, or it does but only in highly marginal terms, what price democracy then ? Roll on the revolution !

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