Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Well Done America !

Following the unexpected result of the United Kingdom's referendum on European Union membership, the people of the United States of America have delivered another resounding kick to the backside of the smug, self-satisfied, liberal political elite. Few really expected Donald Trump to win the presidential election and certainly not the pollsters who had Hillary Clinton a few percentage points ahead; once again, the pollsters got it wrong.

The Presidential campaigns have been pretty nasty, sometimes vicious. Neither of the principal candidates has demonstrated the qualities that might be expected of great political figures and neither has endeared themselves to the electorate; many people undoubtedly voted while holding their noses. Nonetheless, Trump it is and Trump it will be until at least January 2021. The reign of the Clintons is over.

Asian stock markets have reacted badly and the Mexican currency has plummeted. Some political leaders, notably Labour's leader in Scotland Kezia Dugdale, have already made damning statements which will do nothing to help relationships. At the same time, Theresa May, who has most definitely kept her mouth shut and her powder dry, may well find herself in a stronger position than others; while President Obama had followed his unwelcome remarks about 'Brexit' with even more unwelcome comments about Britain being at the back of the queue for trade negotiations, President-elect Trump has made it clear that he sees an independent United Kingdom as being a major partner and at the front of any such queue.

The UK's stock market has fallen slightly but nothing like as much as many others, reflecting the improved prospects for the UK with Donald Trump in the White House. While established political figures and economists used to the increasing stagnation of the western world have been horrified, the people have made their choice and made it abundantly clear that they no longer have any faith in these liberal establishment figures. In both the US and UK, the ordinary people have delivered the clear message that it's time for a change and Donald Trump has proved to be the Nigel Farage of the United States.

The remaining question is whether this new order will, or can, be sustained.

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