Thursday, 3 November 2016


The decision of the High Court that Parliament must have a vote before the Government can invoke Article 50 of the European Union constitution has shown only too clearly that those who want the UK to stay in this egregious organisation will not go away.

The people of this country voted to leave the Union and yet the Court has now determined that this vote is not binding. It has, instead, effectively said that the Government will have to seek Parliamentary approval, possibly by a new Act of Parliament, in order to fulfil the expressed Will of the people.

The Government intends appealing the decision though it seems that success is unlikely. Clearly, any Parliamentary vote will be highly problematic with numerous MPs, such as Ken Clarke, being only too keen to prevent any realistic 'Brexit' from ever occurring.

Whatever the interested parties have said and are saying, it is abundantly clear that the 'Remoaners' will use any means at their disposal in order to keep us in the EU, while ignoring the result of the referendum. To this extent, this is no more than a re-run of what has happened in other EU member countries when referendums have produced the 'wrong' result; things are delayed and replayed until the 'right' result was achieved, and the same is the case now.

If ever there was a need for UKIP, it is now. Please God, they get their act together and mobilise the people to achieve what they voted for in June.

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