Friday, 8 November 2013


Not very long ago, Vasiliki Pryce, better known as Vicky, the ex-wife of disgraced politician Chris Huhne, was in prison as a result of her part in the conspiracy to stop him getting penalty points on his driving licence. Yesterday, she was on the panel of the BBC's "Question Time" programme, pontificating about the rights and wrongs of various matters. Additionally, it appears that  this criminal has now written a book about the activities which culminated in her imprisonment, from which she no doubt expects to make significant amounts of money.
Pryce has barely completed her 8 month sentence, of which only the first 2 were actually spent in prison, and already she has been received back into the establishment and is profiting from her criminal activity. How the BBC can believe that she is a suitable or appropriate person to be giving the nation the benefit of her wisdom is beyond me; it seems clear that, as a left wing economist, she is simply one of those beloved by the BBC and for whom any and every crime is easily excused.
This woman is a criminal. She conspired with her former husband to pervert the course of justice, a very serious offence. Now, she is making money from her exploits and effectively receiving free publicity from organisations such as the BBC. Is this right ?

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