Sunday, 17 November 2013


For my sins, I pay my licence fee and so watch television legally. What I really get for this impost is debatable.
Firstly, my payment is a legal requirement, ostensibly to finance the BBC but we all know that is no longer the truth; it's just another tax. Secondly, how much of my licence fee actually goes into anything worthwhile or that I like is a matter of conjecture.
The BBC used to be a utopia, a producer of wonderful programmes; today it is a dinosaur, struggling to keep up with modern ideas; as such it is a mess. It's decline began in the 1960s with the rise of the Pop culture as we now know only too well - the appalling revelations about Jimmy Savile and his like make this only too clear. It's past is full of nightmares which it wishes to hide but no longer can.
Today, the few programmes of merit that it produces can be counted on the fingers of one hand while it continues to waste millions with the most mind-bogglingly ridiculous fillers between programmes. Why does it need 'music' and 'beats' constantly to interrupt its news broadcasts on television when nothing of the sort is deemed necessary for radio ? What are the hippopotamuses for ? Why do umpteen newsreaders need to be dispatched to the Philippines when there are already more than enough regional people there ? Why does it spend so much time advertising the books, films, songs, plays etc., of anyone and everyone whose agent has asked for a slot on 'Breakfast', 'Start the Week', 'Mid-week', 'Loose Ends' and all the other horrendous magazine programmes that it now presents as entertainment ?
The BBC is bust. It is well passed it's best 'before date' and it's time it was pensioned off. Just as with all good things, this one has come to its end.

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