While 'The Sky at Night' is still being broadcast, the long term future of this programme appears to be in serious doubt.
A few weeks ago, I heard that it was about to be 'axed' and I wrote to my Member of Parliament about it. He passed my communication to the BBC and I received an entirely non-committal response from them; what they effectively said was that the programme's future was under review, this was normal and I shouldn't worry. Unsurprisingly, I worried.
There has been no further news about the future of this iconic programme and this makes me worry even more. It doesn't involve any of the left wing ideals that the BBC so loves and actually promotes real scientific education which so many left wing academics hate. As such, it is the type of long-running programme that the Beeb would love to be rid of, exactly as they dispensed with the wonderful 'Letter from America' as soon as Alastair Cook died. It's successor is an excuse for a plethora of left wing academics to espouse their jaundiced philosophies upon the unwashed masses that they consider the rest of us to be.
Sadly, 'The Sky at Night' as we have known it is almost certainly doomed. It will either disappear altogether or be replaced by a modernised version with presenters more interested in their own personalities and careers than in the programme; something to appeal to the 'younger generation' rather than to anyone with a real interest in astronomy. Yet another reason to do away with the licence fee, should it come to pass.
Anyone who wants to save this wonderful and iconic programme should act now.
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