Saturday, 25 December 2021


Watching the magnificent Stanley Kubrick epic, 'Spartacus', one is tempted to wonder how far back in time wokeish revisionism might stretch.

The Roman Empire covered much of Europe as well as parts of north Africa and the modern day Middle East. It was barbaric and forced many millions into the most appalling slavery; gladiators were habitually forced to fight to the death for the gratification of the free populace as well as for the pleasure of the elite. Some unfortunate souls were literally "thrown to the lions" and other beasts. Compared with the activities of the much later British Empire, the Romans, modern day Italians, were a hundred, even a thousand, times worse.

And yet it is the British and their empire which attract the constant attention of the woke extremists. It is the British who are vilified for their part in the slave trades of, particularly, the 18th and early 19th centuries; that thousands of white British citizens were subject to virtual slavery for centuries before this, it is the trade in African slaves that dominates all else. Why is this ?

Surely it is because the wokeish revisionists are not so interested in the basic issues as in destroying our modern society in favour of their own Marxist agenda. They care not for slaves, only for how slavery can be used as a weapon in their ultra-left wing campaign against the capitalist societies which they despise and are desperate to destroy; should they ever succeed, God help those who oppose them, of whatever colour or creed they may be. This is the reality of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement as well as of other recent upwellings such as "Extinction Rebellion" and "Insulate Britain"; it is the reality of those behind the promotion of the climate goblin, Greta Thunberg, who appears too naive to understand that she is simply a convenient tool for people who have a much darker agenda.

Even today, slavery remains in force in many countries, acknowledged or not, while genocide is in progress in China and other places. In many countries, women have few, if any. rights; in some countries, barbaric punishments such as the amputation of hands and feet remain in force, while it is not uncommon for there to be stonings or burnings to death of supposed blasphemers, carried out by fanatical mobs without the intervention of any form of legal process. Why do such atrocities escape the attention of the so-moral Woke ?

Strangely, the Woke brigade seems to ignore all of this and concentrates its fire on the British and one or or two other Western democracies that have done more to promote the rights of the coloured, the underprivileged and disadvantaged, the disabled and every other imaginable 'minority' group, even when these 'minorities' are, in truth, majorities. Western money poured into the bottomless pit that is Africa, is condemned, while Chinese money is welcomed - why ?

Woke ideology movements such as BLM, XR and all the rest are simply covers for a Marxist assault on the Western world. They must be rejected, repulsed by whatever means are available, not pandered to by governments which seem far too keen to jump on any passing bandwagon that makes enough noise. Noise is not public opinion, nor is Twitter; it is the ravings of a minority and should be treated as such. In the end, it is the 'Silent Majority' that will speak, and it's words may not be those which those blown so easily by the wind will wish to hear, let alone be prepared for.

The elite, which is Wokeish by nature, knows this and will take steps to introduce authoritarian measures to prevent it from happening. Either we act very soon, or we are lost.

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